Word Search Neo has more than 1000+ word puzzles from 6 fun, challenging categories:
Free Categories included:
- SPORTS (NFL teams, NBA teams, WWE Superstars, Golf, Gymnastics, Volleyball, Beach Buggy, Water Skiing)
-GEOGRAPHY (Natural Disasters, Rocky Mountains, World Major Lakes, World Longest Rivers, Oceans and Seas, Major World Volcanoes, World Tallest Mountains)
- HISTORY (Vietnam War , The Reformation, The Cold War, The Great Fire of London, The American Revolution, Leonardo Da Vinci, Alcatraz, World War II)
-FAMOUS BOOKS (Charles Dickens, Three Little Pigs, Titans Curse, The Mortal Instruments, The Book Thief, The Journey to Atlantis, Agatha Christie, Romeo and Juliet)
- RELIGIOUS (Ten Commandments, Gods Promises, Hinduism, Gods Creatin, Bible Names, Angels, Twelve Disciples, Bible)
-SEASONAL (Independence Day, St Patricks Day, Mothers Day, Valentine, Thanksgiving, Easter, Halloween, Christmas)
Choose from the 6 different categories, complete each category with 5 stars rating and unlock all the quests!
This game is very challenging and helps you to improve your vocabulary, spelling and memory!
Stuck on a level? Use coins to buy hints!
Try out now for free!!!